- Dra. Helen Karatza (University of Thessaloniki, Greece):
Dentro de las actividades del Programa de Doctorado de Ingeniería Informática que organiza la ETSII, el jueves 18 de septiembre de 2014, la Doctora Helen D. Karatza imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “Performance of Grids and Clouds: State-of-the-Art and Future Research Directions“. Bio: La profesora Helen D. Karatza imparte actualmente clases en el Department of Informatics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Los campos de investigación de la Dra. Karatza incluyen: Computer Systems Modeling and Simulation, Performance Evaluation, Grid and Cloud Computing, Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, Resource Allocation and Scheduling and Real-time Distributed Systems, entre otros.
- Dr. Guissepe Andreoni (Politecnico de Milan):
El jueves 12 de junio de 2014, el profesor Giuseppe Andreoni imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “Transducing Biosignals for Data Recording and Processing: Algorithms and New Methodologies“. El Profesor Guiseppe Andreoni es Doctor en Ingeniería Biomédica e imparte clases en el Politécnico de Milán. Actualmente dirige además el Sensilab: Biomedical Sensors and Systems Lab, en Milán. Es considerado un especialista a nivel internacional en adquisición y procesado de bioseñales, bio-transductores, wearable devices, Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems, entre otros temas.
- Dra. Esther Rodriguez (Imperial College, Londres):
El miércoles 18 de junio de 2014, La profesora Esther Rodríguez-Villegas imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “Wearable Sensors for Biomedical Monitoring“. La profesora Esther Rodríguez-Villegas es Doctora en Física, e imparte actualmente clases en Imperial College of London, donde dirige su equipo de investigación sobre Circuitos y Sistemas Electrónicos, especialmente enfocados al diseño de circuitos integrados específicos para aplicaciones biomédicas, procesamiento de señal y sistemas portables, entre otros temas.
- Dr. Gustav Bellika (University of Tromso, Noruega):
Conferencia invitada titulada: “Diagnosis based on Decision Support Systems“. El profesor Johan Gustav Bellika es Doctor Ciencias de la Computación. Pertenece al Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø (Noruega), y además trabaja en el Norwegian Center of Integrated Care and Telemedicine (NST). Es especialista en telemedicina y e-health. Expondrá también las actividades y proyectos de investigación del Prevention and Self-management (HoPE – Home care and PErsonalised health) de Tromsø (Noruega).
- Dr. Antonio Vallecillo (UMA):
El lunes 10 de noviembre de 2014, el profesor Antonio Vallecillo imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “El Doctorado en Informática: ¿Nuevo vino en viejas botellas?“. RESUMEN: El nuevo Real Decreto 99/2011 ha supuesto un cambio sustancial en el tercer ciclo de los estudios universitarios y en las prácticas que conducen al desarrollo de la tesis. Estos cambios son especialmente significativos en los doctorados de ciencias e ingenierías, y en particular en Informática, con la aparición de nuevas formas de comunicación social y de evaluación de la actividad investigadora, las bases de datos de publicaciones y los índices de impacto, la reputación online de los investigadores, y la profesionalización de los doctorados. Esta charla está dedicada a presentar, y debatir, lo que representan estas novedades para los estudiantes de doctorado en Informática, y sugerir algunos aspectos que es importante tener en cuenta a la hora de plantear el desarrollo de la tesis y construir nuestra carrera profesional. El profesor Antonio Vallecillo es Catedrático del área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informático en la Universidad de Málaga, y pertenece al Grupo de Investigación de Ingeniería del Software de la citada Universidad.
- Dr. Cesare Pautasso (Universidad de Lugano):
El viernes, 21 de Noviembre de 2014, el profesor Cesare Pautasso, de la Universidad de Lugano (Italia), imparte una charla invitada titulada: “Informatics Research Perspectives: Industry vs. Academia”. Research in Informatics and Computer Science is carried out in Universities and also Industry Labs, with different goals, constraints and priorities. Both perspectives have a significant impact on scientific and technological progress, but this impact is measured in a very different way. This talk will illustrate some of the differences between the two research environments with the goal to help young researchers facing the important decision about where to continue with their research career. Cesare Pautasso is associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Previously he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Lab (2007) and a senior researcher at ETH Zurich (2004-2007). He completed his graduate studies with a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in 2004. His research group focuses on building experimental systems to explore the intersection of model-driven software composition techniques, business process modelling languages, and autonomic/Cloud computing, Web 2.0 Mashups, and Self-Organizing, Liquid Service Oriented Architectures.
- Dr. Israel Koren (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA):
El lunes 18 de mayo de 2015, el profesor D. Israel Koren imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “Heterogeneity within a Core for Improved Power Efficiency and Higher Reliability”. Abstract-- An asymmetric multicore processor (AMP) comprises cores with different sizes of microarchitectural resources yielding very different performance and energy characteristics. Since the computational demands of workloads vary from one task to the other, AMPs can often provide a higher power efficiency than symmetric multicores. Furthermore, as the computational demands of a task change during its course of execution, reassigning the task from one core to another, where it can run more efficiently, can further improve the overall power efficiency. However, too frequent reassignments of tasks to cores may result in high overhead. This overhead can be greatly reduced by designing a morphable core that can dynamically adapt its resource sizes, operating frequency and voltage to assume one of four possible core configurations. Such a morphable architecture allows more frequent task to core configuration reassignments for a better match between the current needs of the task and the available resources. Our results indicate that the proposed morphable architecture controlled by a runtime management scheme can improve the throughput/Watt and reduce the vulnerability to soft errors over executing on a standard out-of-order core.Short Bio: Israel Koren is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a fellow of the IEEE. He has been a consultant to companies like IBM, Analog Devices, Intel, AMD and National Semiconductors. His research interests include Fault-Tolerant systems; secure cryptographic devices, Computer architecture and computer arithmetic. He publishes extensively and has over 250 publications in refereed journals and conferences. He is the author of the textbook "Computer Arithmetic Algorithms," 2nd Edition, A.K. Peters, Ltd., 2002, and a co-author of the textbook "Fault Tolerant Systems," Morgan-Kaufman, 2007.
- Dr. José Mª Sempere (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia):
El martes 19 de mayo de 2015, el profesor D. José Mª Sempere imparte una conferencia invitada titulada: “Procesamiento de biosecuencias mediante métodos de Inferencia Gramatical”
- Dr. Paolo Meriggi (Instituto San Carlos, Milan):
El próximo viernes 29 de mayo de 2015, el profesor D. Meriggi impartirá una conferencia invitada titulada:“Toward a Novel Approach in Pediatric Rehabilitation: the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation (CARE) Lab”. Abstract: In the recent years there has been a growing interest in using advanced technology solutions in rehabilitation, although the effectiveness of such a widespread use is still under discussion. It seems that this "technology push" to the wide diffusion of different type of systems and devices (from videogame based consoles to sophisticated VR or robotic systems), not always coped with clear and real rehabilitation needs or goals defined by operators. After few years of experience in the field, thanks to a strong collaboration between clinicians and technologists in our center in Milano, we have clearly perceived the need of building a Lab dedicated to the design, development/integration and assessment of new technological solutions in rehabilitation, with a specific focus on pediatric one. The talk is then about the guidelines and projects that represent the foundations of the CARE Lab, the lab itself and its features, and its perspectives, in the landscape of what could become a novel approach to (pediatric) rehabilitation.
- Dr. Schahram Dustdar y Dr. Hong-Linh Thuong (Vienna Institute of Technology):
El martes 9 de junio de 2015, los Profesores Schahram Dustdar y Hong-Linh Thuong imparten una conferencia invitada titulada: “Engineering Elastic Systems”. Abstract: En esta charla los ponentes comentaran su visión de los retos a la hora de construir sistemas de información elásticos desde el punto de vista de los últimos avances a nivel de investigación. En particular, se comentan las líneas de investigación en desarrollo que se están llevando a cabo por parte del Grupo de Sistemas Distribuidos (DSG) de la Universidad Técnica de Viena (TUW). Bio: Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science (Informatics) with a focus on Internet Technologiesheading the Distributed Systems Group at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna). From 2004-2010 he was Honorary Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computing Science at the University of Groningen (RuG), The Netherlands. He is a member of the Academia Europaea: The Academy of Europe, Informatics Section (since 2013) and an IEEE Senior Member (2009). He is recipient of the ACM Distinguished Scientist award (2009) and the IBM Faculty Award (2012). He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology and on the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computing (an SCI-ranked journal of Springer). Hong Linh Troung is an assistant professor for Service Engineering Analytics at the Distributed Systems Group, Institute of Information Systems, Vienna University of Technology, where he was a senior research scientist from March 2007 till April 2013. From March 2005 to February 2007, he was a postdoctoral research scientist at Distributed and Parallel Systems Group, University of Innsbruck. From Nov 2000 to February 2005, he was a researcher at Software Science Group, Institute for Scientific Computing, University of Vienna. Before that, he worked as an assistant lecturer and a researcher in Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam from 1998 to 2000.
- Dr. Jesús Giraldez Crú (Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial (IIIA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. CSIC):
“Beyond the Structure of SAT Formulas: Experiences of a PhD in Computer Science” In this talk, we summarize the main experiences of achieving a PhD in Computer Science. In a non-exhaustive list, we review some basic components of a pre-doctoral research, as the scheduling of the tasks, the search of bibliography or the publication of results, among others. In parallel, we summarize the main works in the field of this research, which is the Boolean Satisfiability problem (SAT) and its applications in real-world domains. SAT is one of the most studied problems in Computer Science since it is the first known NP-complete problem. However, besides its complexity, it is extensively used to solve practical applications (such as planning, scheduling or formal verification, among others). Modern SAT solvers have experienced a remarkable progress on solving these industrial (or real-world) SAT instances. Its success relies on the combination of some techniques, as conflict analysis, clause learning, non chronological backtracking, activity-based heuristics, lazy-data structures or rapid restarts. Fecha: 25 de Junio de 2015
- Dra. Laura Lechuga (IC2N):
El jueves 10 de septiembre de 2015, la Profesora de Investigación Dña. Laura Lechuga impartió una conferencia invitada titulada: “Nanophotonics Lab-on-a-chip devices for mobile diagnosis”. La Dra Lechuga Gómez, es una reconocida especialista a nivel internacional en el desarrollo de estructuras bio-sensoras y aplicaciones bio-analíticas, que van las moléculas de peso molecular bajo como los pequeños contaminantes, pesticidas o metabolitos y grandes biomoléculas como biomarcadores proteicos relacionadas con el cáncer y otras enfermedades relevantes desde el punto de vista médico. Expuso también las actividades y proyectos de su grupo de investigación en el ICN2. La Dra. Laura Lechuga Es Profesora de Investigación en el Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología (ICN2), CSIC-UAB, Barcelona.
- Dr. Profesor Wil van der aalst (Full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)):
“Process Mining in the Large: Divide and Conquer Big Event Data diagnosis” Abstract: Process mining provides new ways to utilize the abundance of data in enterprises. Suddenly many organizations realize that survival is not possible without exploiting available data intelligently. A new profession is emerging: the data scientist. Just like computer science emerged as a new discipline from mathematics when computers became abundantly available, we now see the birth of data science as a new discipline driven by the torrents of data available today. Process mining will be an integral part of the data scientist's toolbox. Also enterprise computing will need to focus on process innovation through the intelligent use of event data. An online TU/e course on process mining recently attracted over 68.000 participants, illustrating the relevance of the topic. In his talk Wil van der Aalst will focus on challenges related to "process mining in the large", i.e., dealing with many processes, many actors, many data sources, and huge amounts of data at the same time. In particular, he will focus on distributed process mining where large event logs are split into smaller ones to speed up analysis. By adequately addressing the challenges related to "big event data" we get a new kind of superglue that will impact the future of enterprise computing. Short bio: Prof.dr.ir. Wil van der Aalst is a full professor of Information Systems at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). At TU/e he is the scientific director of the Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSC/e). Since 2003 he holds a part-time position at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). His personal research interests include workflow management, process mining, Petri nets, business process management, process modeling, and process analysis. Wil van der Aalst has published more than 180 journal papers, 18 books (as author or editor), 400 refereed conference/workshop publications, and 60 book chapters. Many of his papers are highly cited (H-index of 119 according to Google Scholar) and his ideas have influenced researchers, software developers, and standardization committees working on process support. He has been a co-chair of many conferences including the Business Process Management conference, the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, the International conference on the Application and Theory of Petri Nets, and the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. He is also editor/member of the editorial board of several journals, including Computing, Distributed and Parallel Databases, Software and Systems Modeling, the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, the International Journal on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, Computers in Industry, Business & Information Systems Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, and Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency. In 2012, he received the degree of doctor honoris causa from Hasselt University in Belgium. He served as scientific director of the International Laboratory of Process-Aware Information Systems of the National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow. In 2013, he was appointed as Distinguished University Professor of TU/e and was awarded an honorary guest professorship at Tsinghua University. In 2015, he was appointed as honorary professor at the National Research University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He is also a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen), Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen) and the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea). Fecha: 16 de octubre de 2015
- Dr. Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues (University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal):
“Advances on e-Health Systems” Abstract: This presentation will focus on a new hot topic on e-health technologies considering recent advances on e-Health systems, including mobility environments and mobile technologies. Information and communication technologies have rapidly grown in the few last decades along with mobile Internet concept of anywhere and anytime connection. In this context, Mobile Health (m-Health) proposes to deliver healthcare services, overcoming geographical, temporal and even organizational barriers. Pervasive and m-Health services aim to respond several emerging problems in health services, including, the increasing number of chronic diseases related to lifestyle, high costs in existing national health services, the need to empower patients and families to self-care and manage their own healthcare, and the need to provide direct access to health services, regardless of time and place. This keynote speech will address the most relevant contributions for healthcare, e-health systems, and ambient assisted living, focusing on the mobile health revolution and evolution. The top and more used m-health applications in the mobile market and several ongoing works will be presented. Trends and insights on future research works are also considered. Bio: (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) [S’01, M’06, SM’06] is a professor in the Department of Informatics of the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, and senior researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal. He received the Academic Title of Aggregated Professor from the University of Beira Interior, the Habilitation in computer science and engineering from the University of Haute Alsace, France, a PhD degree in informatics engineering, an MSc degree from the University of Beira Interior, and a five-year BSc degree (licentiate) in informatics engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. His main research interests include e-health, sensor networks, IoT, vehicular delay-tolerant networks, and mobile and ubiquitous computing. He is the leader of NetGNA Research Group (http://netgna.it.ubi.pt), the President of the scientific council at ParkUrbis – Covilhã Science and Technology Park, the Past-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on eHealth, the Past-chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications Software, Steering Committee member of the IEEE Life Sciences Technical Community, Member Representative of the IEEE Communications Society on the IEEE Biometrics Council, and officer of the IEEE 1907.1 standard. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on E-Health and Medical Communications, the editor-in-chief of the Recent Advances on Communications and Networking Technology, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Multimedia Information Systems, and editorial board member of several journals. He has been general chair and TPC Chair of many international conferences, including IEEE ICC, GLOBECOM, and HEALTHCOM. He is a member of many international TPCs and participated in several international conferences organization. He has authored or coauthored over 450 papers in refereed international journals and conferences, two books, and 2 patents. He had been awarded several Outstanding Leadership and Outstanding Service Awards by IEEE Communications Society and several best papers awards. Prof. Rodrigues is a licensed professional engineer (as senior member), member of the Internet Society, an IARIA fellow, and a senior member ACM and IEEE. Fecha: 22 de Abril de 2016
- Dra. Natividad Martínez Madrid (Internet-of-Things Lab, School of Informatics, Reutlingen University):
“The Internet of Things: Challenges and Experiences” Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) seems to be omnipresent in our current world. Whether in smart homes, in connected cars, in smart factories or health technologies, many developments are related to IoT. But what is actually the Internet of Things and what is new about it? This lecture will present an introduction to the Internet of Things and its interpretation in different application domains. It will show the evolution of embedded systems towards the Internet of Things as well as the future expectations. A review of the most relevant hardware, software and network technologies in the field will be offered, including also data analytics and cloud solutions for IoT. Some practical experiences and initiatives in the different application domains will be highlighted. The lecture will close with a discussion on the current challenges of the Internet of Things. Bio: Natividad Martínez Madrid researches in the areas of Internet of Things, mobile computing and biomedical computer science. Her current interests are centered in cost-effective, non-intrusive bio-signal monitoring, affective and behavioral computing and ambient assisted living. She is the Director of the Internet of Things Laboratory and coordinates the interdisciplinary Ambient Assisted Living Lab at Reutlingen University. She obtained her PhD in Telecommunication Engineering in 1998. She has previously been project coordinator at the Research Center for Computer Sciences (FZI) in Karlsruhe and Professor at the University Carlos III in Madrid. She is Professor at Reutlingen University since 2010. Fecha: 16 de Mayo de 2016
- Dr. Ralf Seepold (Universidad HTWG Konstanz, Germany):
“Parameter set selection and classification of sleep phases tracing biovital data” Resumen: Sleep is an important part of our life, since we spend, on average, one third of it sleeping. Studies have shown that essential health functions like memory consolidation, organ repair and growth occur almost completely during sleep. To evaluate the quality of a person´s sleep it is necessary to identify the sleep stages and their durations. It is a known fact that changes in brain activity and physiological functions are quite profound during sleep. Nowadays there is a rich diversity of sleep monitoring systems available on the market. They promise to offer information about sleep quality of a user by recording a limited number of vital signals, mainly heart rate and body movement. Currently, the gold standard in terms of sleep analysis is overnight polysomnography (PSG), during which several techniques like EEG (eletroencephalogram), EOG (electrooculogram), EMG (electromyogram), ECG (electrocardiogram), SpO2 (blood oxygen saturation) and for example respiratory airflow and respiratory effort are recorded. These expensive and complex procedures, applied in sleep laboratories, are invasive and unfamiliar for the subjects and it is a reason why it might have an impact on the recorded data. One goal is to find a reduced complexity method to process a minimum number of bio vital signals, while providing accurate sleep classification results. The presentation will give an inside into the current status of research and application of techniques suited to make more accurate statements about sleep-wake phases or even the classification into the different stages. Bio: Ralf Seepold is professor for Ubiquitous Computing at HTWG Konstanz (Germany). Ralf obtained his MSc from the University of Paderborn and his Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen. He has been working as an Associate Professor for Telecommunication Engineering and Telematics at the University Carlos III of Madrid Currently, Ralf is heading the UC-Lab (@UCLabHTWG) research group. Biomedical computing is one competence area of his Lab. This area is dedicated to biometric sensors and sensor integration, bio vital signal processing, embedded systems and prototyping platforms, telemedicine, eHealth/eCare and body area networks. Ralf is member of the Faculty of the IEEE EMBS Summer School on Emerging Applications and Technologies in Telemedicine, elected Topic Group Leader of the working group on 'Interfaces' in the Smart Home & Living cluster and organizer of many sessions in international conferences like IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing or International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. More information. Fecha: 19 de Mayo de 2016.
- Dra. Elisabetha Chicca (Faculty of Technology Bielefeld University, Germany):
Neuromorphic Behaving Systems Group, Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence (CITEC): “Learning in Silico: neuromorphic models of long-term plasticity” Resumen: Synaptic plasticity empowers biological nervous systems with the ability to learn from experience and adjust to environmental changes. Such abilities are a must for artificial autonomous systems and therefore researchers have been devoting significant efforts to the understanding and modelling of plasticity mechanisms. In particular, the field of neuromorphic engineering focuses on the development of full-custom hybrid analog/digital electronic systems for the implementation of models of biological computation and learning in hardware. I will give a short historical overview of the most important plasticity circuits developed following the approach originally proposed by Carver Mead in the late eighties. Afterwards, I will present recent advancements in this field. Bio: Elisabettal Chicca obtained a “Laurea” degree (M.Sc.) in Physics from the Univerisity of Rome 1 “La Sapienza”, Italy in 1999, a Ph.D. in Natural Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ, Physics department) and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the Neuroscience Center Zurich, in 2006. E. Chicca has carried out her research as a Postdoctoral fellow (2006-2010) and as a Group Leader (2010-2011) at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich) working on development of neuromorphic signal processing and sensory systems. Since 2011, she is an assistant professor with tenure track at the Cognitive Interaction Technology - Center of Excellence (CITEC) and Faculty of Technology, Bielefeld University. Her current interests are in the development of VLSI models of cortical circuits for brain-inspired computation, learning in spiking VLSI neural networks, bio-inspired sensing (olfaction, active electrolocation, audition) and motor control. More information. Fecha: 17 de Junio de 2016
- Dra. Ana Tajadura (Universidad de Loyola Andalucía, Sevilla, España):
“The Hearing Body: Estimulación sonora para alterar la percepción del cuerpo, las emociones y la conducta motora” Abstract: Through our senses we receive information that leads to form mental representations of our own body and the space and events around it. These mental representations impact on emotional, social, and motor functioning. Crucially, recent neuroscientific breakthroughs have shown that these mental representations are not fixed and that people can experience having a different body and being in a different environment through the use of specially designed sensory feedback. At the intersection between the fields of neuroscience and human-computer interaction (HCI) the Hearing Body project investigates the use of sound and other sensory feedback to change people´s experiences of their body and the surrounding space, as well as its impact on emotion and action patterns. Using interactive multimodal tracking and sound-feedback technologies our studies have shown, for instance, that real-time alteration of walking sounds cues related to body weight results in changes in one’s represented body size, and impacts positively in walking behavior and emotional state. The research objectives are being achieved by conducting experimental studies that combine self-report, psychophysical and psychophysiological techniques. In addition, wearable prototypes are being iteratively designed and developed to enable a systematic study of novel applications that enhance people’s mental representations of their own physical appearance and self-efficacy in their everyday lives. The ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on emotional and physical health. Bio: (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) Ana Tajadura-Jiménez estudió Ingeniería de Telecomunicación en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. A continuación obtuvo los grados de máster (MSc in Digital Communication Systems and Technology) y de doctora en acústica aplicada por la Chalmers University of Technology, en Gotemburgo, Suecia. Ana fue investigadora post-doctoral en el Lab of Action and Body (LAB) del Prof. Manos Tsakiris, en Royal Holloway, University of London. En 2012 se trasladó al University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC) con una ESRC Future Research Leader fellowship y como investigadora principal del proyecto The Hearing Body. Desde el pasado enero (2016) Ana trabaja como investigadora Ramón y Cajal en la Universidad Loyola Andalucía y como Honorary Research Associate en el University College London. En la Universidad Loyola Andalucía es parte del laboratorio de Neurociencia Humana y coordina la línea de investigación denominada “Estimulación multisensorial para alterar la percepción del cuerpo y el espacio, las emociones y la conducta motora”. La investigación de Ana es empírica y multidisciplinar, combinando perspectivas de psicoacústica, neurociencia y HCI. Fecha: 8 de septiembre de 2016
- Dra. Ana Ripoll (Catedrática de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores (UAB),Presidenta de la Asociación Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB)):
“Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB): un ecosistema para impulsar la Bioinformática en los ámbitos de salud y agroalimentario“ Breve biografía: Ana Ripoll es licenciada en Ciencias Físicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y Catedrática de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), donde ha ocupado los cargos de Vicerectora y Rectora. Ha trabajado en diferentes áreas de investigación dentro de la Arquitectura de Computadores y el Procesamiento Paralelo. Ha impulsado activamente la creación de grupos de investigación en áreas como la Asignación Estática de Programas, Balanceo Dinámico de Carga, Modelos de Programas Paralelos y Predicción del Rendimiento y, más recientemente, en Sistemas Distribuidos para Aplicaciones de Vídeo bajo Demanda y las aplicaciones bioinformáticas. Ha publicado más de cien artículos en revistas especializadas y conferencias internacionales de reconocido prestigio, además de ser miembro de diversos comités e instituciones nacionales e internacionales. Recientemente se ha dedicado a impulsar la interacción entre las disciplinas de ciencias de la vida y ciencias de la computación creando la Asociación Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB) de la que es su presidenta. Abstract: La gran cantidad de herramientas tecnológicas de muy diverso origen y funciones que se aplican hoy en día en el sector de la salud y las ciencias de la vida son prueba de la necesidad de avanzar en el análisis y gestión de datos. El BIB (Bioinformatics Barcelona) nace con el objetivo de implicarse en el desarrollo e introducción de estas tecnologías en los sectores nombrados donde es evidente que existen grandes volúmenes de datos, muy complejos, de diverso origen e índole, y generados a gran velocidad. Bioinformatics Barcelona ofrece a la sociedad la posibilidad de armonizar el entorno de los datos, organizando de manera muy especial y en primer lugar la formación de los profesionales necesarios en todo tipo de proyectos especializados. En concreto, el BIB ha diseñado y puesto en marcha diversos planes formativos a diversos niveles. A nivel de formación profesional, ha creado una adaptación de técnicos informáticos al ámbito bioinformático, a nivel de grado, el grado interuniversitario en bioinformática único en todo el sistema universitario catalán. En la actualidad está creando un posgrado de procesamiento big data para ciencias de la vida y un doctorado interuniversitario en bioinformática, y además impulsa los doctorados industriales de proyectos en los que la bioinformática sea una pieza diferenciadora. En resumen, el BIB es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que ha creado un ecosistema formado por más de 50 instituciones entre universidades, centros de investigación, institutos de investigación hospitalaria, grandes infraestructuras científicas y empresas, entre otras instituciones, donde la capacidad de interaccionar resulta más fácil gracias al trabajo previo de la asociación, creando las condiciones necesarias para que las oportunidades del sector sean mayores y la creación de nuevo conocimiento a partir de gran cantidad de datos se convierta en una nueva ventaja competitiva para los participantes. Fecha: 22 de marzo de 2017
- Dr. Ramón Risco Delgado (Profesor Titular de Física Aplicada (USE)). Socio Fundador de SafePreservation:
“Historia de un empresa con base tecnológica” Abstract: En la conferencia se describirá al público en general, y a los doctorandos en particular, el nacimiento y la evolución de una empresa de base tecnológica. El carácter de la charla será abierto, de manera que los asistentes podrán preguntar durante su desarrollo todas las cuestiones que estimen oportuno sobre el tema. De interés para todas las personas que se planteen crear una empresa tecnológica en Andalucía.
Breve biografía: Nacido en 1966 en Sevilla, cursa tres años de Ciencias Físicas en la Universidad de Sevilla, y dos años en la de Granada en la especialidad de Física Teórica. Becado por la Junta de Energía Nuclear (Madrid) para estudiar problemas relacionados con la Fusión Nuclear por confinamiento magnético. Realiza su doctorado colaborando con de Franco Selleri (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bari, Italia) y Antón Zeilinger (Institute für Experimentalphysik, Innsbruck, Austria), donde trabaja en el problema de la no-localidad en Física Cuántica. Crea el grupo de investigación FQM-239 de la Junta de Andalucía, Fundamentos de Mecánica Cuántica. En el año 2002 cambia su actividad científica hacia la biotecnología, en concreto hacia la criopreservación de material biológico. Crea el grupo de Investigación CryoBioTech. Realiza gran parte de sus investigaciones en criopreservación en la Universidad de Harvard (Boston, USA). Colabora estrechamente con el Center for Engineering in Medicine, Boston, USA). En 2007 inventa una tecnología capaz de criopreservar ciertos tipos celulares muy importantes: óvulos humanos y células madre, así como ciertos nemátodos de alto interés biotecnológico. Patenta dicha tecnología y obtiene un reconocimeinto de la Fundación Merck, recibiendo el galardón de manos del Ministro de Sanidad el Dr. Bernat Soria. Investiga la criopreservación de grandes órganos humanos, la criopreservación de la mosca de la fruta (Drosophila) y de biopsias de tumores, con excelentes resultados hasta la fecha, obteniendo resultados relevantes de aplicación en trasplantes de órganos y la investigación contra cáncer. En el año 2013 funda la “spin-off” SafePreservation. Fecha: 9 de junio de 2017
- Dr. Javier Gutiérrez (Dr. Ingeniero por la Universidad de Oviedo y R&D Project Manager en Treelogic):
“Experiencia de investigación y transferencia tecnológica en Treelogic” Abstract: En la conferencia se describirá la experiencia profesional de Dr. Javier Gutiérrez en el Departamento de I+D de la empresa Treelogic, labor dentro de la empresa, líneas de investigación desarrolladas, proyectos europeos FP7 y H2020, transferencia tecnológica y líneas futuras de investigación, como ejemplo de actividades desarrolladas a partir de la obtención de su doctorado.
Breve biografía: Dr. Javier Gutiérrez Meana concluyó sus estudios de Ingeniero de Telecomunicación en la Universidad de Oviedo en 2005 y obtuvo el título de Doctor por la Universidad de Oviedo en 2010. Asimismo, completó el máster interuniversitario "Tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en redes móviles (TICRM)" en 2009. A lo largo de su trayectoria académica e investigadora ha sido galardonado con los siguientes premios: Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura 2005 en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, Premio Fin de Carrera 2005 en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación, Premio Salvà i Campillo 2006 en la categoría "Enginyer Novell" en la "11ª Nit de las Telecomunicacions" otorgado por Associació/Collegi d'Enginyers de Telecomunicació de Catalunya y Premio a la mejor propuesta de proyecto de investigación TIC 2007 para profesores y equipos de investigación de la Universidad de Oviedo, "Servicio de Televisión Digital 3D". Es autor de múltiples artículos científicos tanto en publicaciones con sistema de revisión por pares como en congresos de ámbito internacional. De igual manera, ha participado en proyectos de investigación regionales, nacionales y europeos financiados en convocatorias públicas o en colaboración con empresas. En 2008 comenzó su actividad docente en la Escuela Politécnica de Ingeniería de Gijón, siendo Profesor Asociado entre 2010 y 2015. En octubre de 2011 se unió al departamento de I+D+I de la empresa Treelogic, sita en el Parque Tecnológico de Asturias, donde centra su actividad en la gestión de proyectos en diferentes áreas