Relationships with Companies

The School of Computer Engineering (ETSII) has an extensive programme of collaboration and relations with companies within the framework of ICT, both locally and internationally. This section presents all the information regarding the external collaborations between the University (ETSII) and Business grouped into three subsections:

  • Enterprise Training: Orientated towards ETSII students who are interested in carrying out Enterprise training in any of its modalities.
  • Companies: Here companies can access all the information necessary for their collaboration with the School.
  • Bulletin Board: In this section, all news will be published related with industrial training, grants, job offers , etc.

For further information, please contact:
Fernando Larrondo Espinosa - Secretary
Telephone: +34 954552757 - e-mail: practicas-etsii ARROBA
Consultation by appointment (via e-mail): Monday from 9:00 to 14:00 and Wednesday from 16:00 to 19:00.




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